About Two of Pentacles
Meaning in Tarot
At the heart of the Two of Pentacles is the feeling of flexibility. Pentacles represent the element of earth. Within this suit’s realm, our attention is drawn to grounding effects, and matters of a physical nature.
However, the this card purposefully reveals an ethereal quality. We see this in the woozy water waves that undulate in the background the card.
Some keywords for the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning:
- Flow
- Trust
- Travel
- Motion
- Balance
- Well-being
- Preparation
- Utilizing skill
- Combination
- Contemplation
- Thought before action
We see the prominent lemniscate (infinity symbol) wrapped around each of the Pentacles.
The physicality of Pentacles (stability, earth) juxtaposed with the more intangibles of water and the infinite is a clear message of combination and unification on an energetic level.

When the Two of Pentacles shows up in a reading, it is a calling to:
- Strike a balance
- Travel beyond the conventional to reach your goals
- Consider the infinite channels of energy that provide you well-being
- Root yourself in your mission statement while trusting in the flow of your higher purpose to transport you
These points are the cause for that pensive look on our character’s face in the Two of Pentacles card. He is contemplating the vehicles that will move him to his greatest, most balanced, and longest lasting reward.
A few symbols for the Two of Pentacles Meaning in Tarot:

Lemniscate: The lemniscate (also known as the infinity symbol) is a geometrical represetation of the endless and eternal nature of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply continues on forever in motion. The symbolic meanings of this emblem serve to remind us of the infinite nature of our spirit, as well as our thoughts. When this symbol comes to our attention it may be a message that we should consider the consequences of our thoughts and deeds – the effects of which can be infinite.

Ship: Yes, of course, ship symbol meanings deal with travel and journeys. However a commonly overlooked factor is the medium upon which they sail – water – it deals with the deeper levels of the psyche and the subconscious. When Ships sail across your vision in a reading, take into consideration where your thoughts (psyche) are traveling – what kind of baggage (cargo) are you carrying around, and are you charting (navigating) out the best course for your thoughts and emotions?
Some questions the Two of Pentacles ask us:
- Am I prepared for the journey I’m taking?
- How can I use my skills to navigate to my desires?
- What are my upper-most thoughts, and how are the affecting my path?
Personal note:
When I see this card in a reading I’m drawn in by the cross at the center of the lemniscate.
In most card renditions, this cross meets at the character’s heart chakra. This is a symbolic, intuitive “hit” indicating whatever is at the heart of the querent’s request also holds the solution to his/her conflict.
Within that ribbon of infinite energy is a connection point that launches motion. It is within the crux of the matter (the contrast or conflict) where we find our launching pad for achievement.

- Overview and Chart of All Tarot Suit Meanings
- Meaning of Pentacles
- Meaning of Number Two
- Symbolic Meaning of Water