About Two of Cups
Meaning in Tarot
The two of cups meaning in Tarot speaks of emotional engagements. These may be in the form of deep connections made with our lovers, friends, family, partners, or co-workers.
To be sure, these connections are complimentary as if two halves are coming together to form a perfect union.
Keywords for Two of Cups Tarot Card Meanings:
- Union
- Sharing
- Relating
- Harmony
- Partnership
- Combining
- Connection
- Cooperation
- Compromise
- Communication
- Instant Attraction
The two of cups is about coming together, a new beginning, a future filled with promise, hope and trust. There is a prickling at the back of our neck at the freshness and vitality a new relationship brings us. There is an intensity of our focus upon the sparkly energy of high emotion as we connect more deeply with our unifying contra.

There is also a sense of vulnerability here – as if we have to remove a mask in order to tap into that promising union the Two of Cups represent. All bets are off, we must be at our most exposed in order to reap the fullest benefit of this new connection with another or ourselves.
On an esoteric level, this card is also symbolic of bringing together the dualistic nature of self into a harmonized whole.
To more clearly grasp this concept, consider the associations connected to this card:
- Number Two
- The Suit of Cups
- The Element of Water
- The Realm of Emotions
A few Symbols for the Two of Cups Meaning in Tarot:

Caduceus: Varied in its meaning, the Caduceus symbol meanings deal with balance, health, duality (union of opposites), proper moral conduct, protection and cosmic energy. Seen on the two of cups, the caduceus bodes well for new partnerships and serves as a message that with honor and respect to balance, new relationships shall be fruitful. It may also indicate the querent is joining forces with another party in order to facilitate healing. Get more about caduceus meaning here.

Wreaths have long been a symbol of victory ever since the first ancient games upon mount Olympus where the victor was crowned in laurels (hence the term “resting on his laurels”). A sweet-smelling laurel wreath is also a symbol of protection, peace, and purification and is associated with the god Apollo. It is a message that the favor of the Gods is upon us and that we shall be the victor in this stage of our lives. Get more about symbolic wreath meaning here.
Some questions the Two of Cups in the Tarot asks us:
- Am I open to new beginnings? New Relationships?
- What connections can I make between my thoughts and my actions?
- Am I evolved enough to see the other person’s point of view without bias?

- Overview and Chart of All Tarot Suit Meanings
- Meaning of Cups
- Meaning of Number Two
- Symbolic Wreath Meanings
- Caduceus Symbol Meanings