About Ten of Pentacles
Meaning in Tarot
What can I say about the ten of pentacles Tarot card meaning that is not already clearly depicted in the cards?
The joy and celebration in this card is palpable, and leaves me with very little nuance on which elaborate.
Some keywords to spice up the ten of pentacles Tarot card meaning:
- Family
- Loyalty
- Totality
- Stability
- Idealism
- Reunions
- Prosperity
- Integration
- Abundance
- Community
- Celebration
- Community
- Friendliness
- Achievement
- Establishment
- More than enough
I am reminded of a phrase every time this card shows up in a reading: “esprit de corps.” It’s a French term meaning “team spirit.” To paraphrase Wiki, esprit de corps refers to the capacity of a group of people to maintain belief in an institution, an idea or a goal. This could even be upholding a belief in oneself and others shared by a group.
The scenario in the ten of pentacles is wrought from a strong bond among people who share a common vision and who have worked loyally together to coax that dream into reality. This is a manifestation of mass proportions and it’s reality comes about on multi-levels.

Achievement of core goals as demonstrated in the ten of pentacles requires mammoth life choreography. Consider the myriad of personalities within any organized group. Now consider just a few of these elements required to bring about a consensus of vision to allow for the group to “win” as a whole:
- Strong foundation
- Intense focus
- Unshakeable commitment
- Empathy for all the members in the group
- Perspective in the present moment
- Foresight for future outcomes
- Diplomatic leadership (the kind that leads while enabling others to be leaders too).
And, there’s a reason we’ve reached this apex at the end of the pentacles suit. Note this kind of exuberance is expressed in the 10 of pentacles, not in the two of its kind. Because it takes time to build this kind of harmony. Time, preparation, and a veteran experience with life itself.
The ten of pentacles comes up in a reading when we’ve reached a climax in our foundational life that required the spice of actively living in order to enhance the flavor of our experience.
Some symbol meanings in the ten of pentacles:

Arch: Arches are symbolic of openings, passage-ways, and initiations. In a reading, the arch is a symbol of a new direction for the querent. This new opening or path is indicated by the card.

Children: Children represent promise, hope, fresh starts, new beginnings, new ideas, and a fresh way of looking at the world. Children are full of promise for the future and as such, they are a symbol of this promise. When they show up on the cards in a reading it could mean the beginning of a new venture, the promise of a new beginning, or it could literally mean children are on their way (new births/adoptions).

City/Village: Cities and villages represent centers or gatherings of people, thoughts, energy, and ideas. They are a symbol of the culmination of a group that meets for a common goal. They also symbolize protection, harmony, and team-work. When you notice the cities/villages in a reading it indicates a group effort is required, or the querent must tap into some energy centers or thought centers to accomplish what he/she must.

Dogs: Man (and woman’s) best friend – symbol meanings of the dog deals with fidelity, honesty, loyalty, and truth. When the dog symbol pops out at us, we might aks ourselves one of the following questions: 1) Where are our loyalties? 2) In what are we putting our faith? 3) Are we being true to ourselves? To our community? The dog in our cards is also a good indication that we’re on the right track as they are symbolic of stability and righteousness. Get more about symbolic dog meaning here.

Dogs: Man (and woman’s) best friend – symbol meanings of the dog deals with fidelity, honesty, loyalty, and truth. When the dog symbol pops out at us, we might aks ourselves one of the following questions: 1) Where are our loyalties? 2) In what are we putting our faith? 3) Are we being true to ourselves? To our community? The dog in our cards is also a good indication that we’re on the right track as they are symbolic of stability and righteousness. Get more about symbolic flag meaning in the Tarot here.

Staff : Here we are recognizing staves found in the cards that are specifically used for support by the archetypes in the cards. With this parameter in mind, staff symbol meanings deal with support, stability, direction, and singleness of purpose. The staff is also a symbolic representation of the numeral one, and as such is carries a meaning of new beginnings, first-attempts, and again, single-mindedness in thought as well as deed.
Some questions the Ten of Pentacles Tarot card asks us:
- Does my vision match my goal of the common good?
- What is the ideal community?
- Am I an effective leader in that ideal?
- How can I bring about the positive change that attracts harmony and stability?
- Can I allow myself to enjoy and reap the benefits of my hard work?
- Does this card represent a beginning or a resting place for me?
- Does this card accurately reflect my home life and family?
- What steps can I take now that will make positive effects in my sphere of influence tomorrow?

- Overview and Chart of All Tarot Suit Meanings
- Meaning of Pentacles
- Meaning of Number Ten
- City Meaning in Tarot
- Symbolic Meaning of Dogs
- Symbolism of Fathers
- Symbolic Meaning of Flags in Tarot