Karmic Wheel Tarot Spread

Karmic Wheel Tarot Spread This Tarot spread and article was created by Donna L. Faber. The Karmic Wheel Tarot Spread offers intuitive insight into the purpose of past life recognition in the context of a […]
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Karmic Wheel Tarot Spread This Tarot spread and article was created by Donna L. Faber. The Karmic Wheel Tarot Spread offers intuitive insight into the purpose of past life recognition in the context of a […]
Big Lessons from Tarot TeachingsAvia’s Learning Experience Lessons Learned From Tarot Teachings Working and building this website has been pretty transformational. I’ve learned a lot of lessons Tarot Teachings. Big, profound stuff, like the crazy […]
A question: Help With Interpreting Tarot Cards Hello Avia and everyone, I was learning much from your websites which I consider a real treasure for those interested in esoteric knowledge. My question now is about […]
Tips to Understanding Ace Tarot Cards: There is no trick to understanding ace Tarot cards once you mentally arrange the placement of these cards within the hierarchy of the deck. In other words, the aces […]
Picking a Tarot Spread for the New Year I’m writing this as we are approaching the new year. So, I thought it might be a good idea to share my creations in this article about […]
Tarot Meanings Dictionary H-P This is a continuation of the Tarot Meanings Dictionary listing terms beginning with the letter “H” through “P.” All the Tarot dictionary pages to encompass the entire collection of terms associated […]
Symbol Meanings of Tarot S -Z Welcome to the continuation of symbol meanings for the Tarot. Here you will find Tarot symbols beginning with the letters S – Z. Important Note: The symbols and symbol […]
Symbol Meanings of Tarot L -R Welcome to the continuation of symbol meanings for the Tarot. Here you will find Tarot symbols beginning with the letters L – R. Important Note: The symbols and symbol […]