About Queen of Cups
Meaning in Tarot
If the queen of cups were to take you aside and tell you something about herself, what would it be? This article expresses this card’s personality in the first person. So, as you read, imagine you are listening to this queen speaking directly to you.
The Queen of Cups – In Her Own Words…
“I am the Queen of Cups and this is my tale.
My kingdom is situated in the grand isle of Cups, and I’m grateful for that because I’m endlessly connected to the cycles of oceans. I also identify with the moods of the moon. Indeed, the moon’s influence over the waters of the earth is similar to my own influence over my domain.
And grand influence I have. As the Queen of Cups I wield great power with my people. They trust me implicitly, although they keep me at a distance. You see, I am a powerful seer. I come by knowledge in unorthodox ways. I’m a double intuitive (clairvoyant and clairaudient) with clairsentient abilities as well.
Some keywords of the Queen of Cups:
- Calm
- Gifted
- Loving
- Distant
- Artistic
- Dreamy
- Psychic
- Elusive
- Angelic
- Isolated
- Revered
- Inspired
- Spiritual
- Honored
- Knowing
- Powerful
- Guardian
- Distracted
- Connected
- Mysterious
- Comforting
- Compassionate
- Self-sacrificing
The world is like a conch shell I hold up to my ear, and it whispers to me all its secrets. So, when I’m talking to my loyal subjects, I’ll unknowingly reveal intimate details, or unwittingly unearth hidden facets in the discussion. I suppose I can understand how this would be unsettling for some.
Some people call me faraway and reserved. Truth be known, I do feel a little foreign to the world, and perhaps this is why people call me “distant.”
I feel as though I have very little control over where my thoughts take me. One minute I’ll be working on a presentation speech at the next ceremonial gathering, and the next minute my mind has drifted into whirlpools of otherworldly proportions. It feels like I’m in a dream most of the time.
Consequently, I’ve gained a reputation as a powerful Knower within the kingdom. Which is fine, but it honestly doesn’t matter.

What does matter is love, and family. I love my children, and am an excellent mother, devoting plenty of time and nurturing to them. I selflessly provide them with the motherly care necessary to their well-being. I see to it they lack for nothing.
Part of that selfless love comes from a deep knowing that all life comes from love. Love is life, and life is love. Most of my actions come from this understanding, and this creed has served me very well.
In fact, you may notice the chalice I hold while I am seated in my throne. It’s called a ciborium, and it holds the essence of life. The angels who dwell with me are always guarding its contents.
The word among the kingdom is that I have magnificent beauty. I’m not really concerned about it, but I do have flowing, bright, light hair. My eyes are deep, dreamy sea-blue. I have fair skin, light like the foam of the sea. My husband (the King of Cups) says my appearance is rapturous, and angels sing when I enter a room.
When I drift into your Tarot cards, you can guess I will extol the virtues of listening to your own conch shell (the intuitive oracle within) to discern deeper understanding about the energy that moves around you, and your connection with it.
Yours truly,
The Queen of Cups.”
Some symbols of the Queen of Cups:

Mermaids (and/or Angels): Angels in the Tarot system are symbolic of divine messages. They are messengers of important information. In a reading , their appearance indicates a message (relating to the card) may be coming to the querent in the form of inspiration, divine intervention, or subtlety. Angels and mermaids also symbolize higher thought and ideals. (angels are seen on either side of the chalice or ciborium the Queen of Cups holds in the Rider-Waite version). Get more about mermaid meanings here. Or, more about angels in the Tarot here.

Ocean: Ocean symbol meanings deal with infinite possibilities. Consider the ocean, and you will be considering the essence of vastness, mystery, and depth. It seems inexhaustible and the holder of wonderous things unseen. When the oceans in the cards crash their waves against our consciousness, it is time to pay homage to the great divine – meaning we should recognize the burgeoning power around us, the animating force that runs through us – the expansive and expressive nature of the universe. In other words, we must acknowledge that there may be other (higher) powers at work in our lives and it may be time to release our control in order to allow these powers to open up incredible opportunities to us. Get more about the symbolic meaning of water here.

Shells and Shellfish: Shells and shellfish deal with cycles, regeneration, and protection. These creatures are lunar symbols; they cast off their shells for new ones, and this is where the rebirth/cycling association plays its part. The protective symbolism is evident in the hard spiny exo-skeleton found with these creatures. This refers to the protection of that which is sacred and holy. When shells surface in the Queen of Cups card, we’re reminded of the cyclical nature in our lives and what protection we may need on our path. Get more about symbolic lobster meaning here.
Some questions the Queen of Cups asks us:
- Do you rely on fact, or instinct?
As a strong psychic, my decisions are based solely on my inner perception. I know my inner impulses are always right. What about you? Let me help you hone your natural intuitive gifts. - Where does love rank in your life?
As I’ve said, love is everything, and from it all life is birthed. Is your focus on love the same? - What is most sacred to you?
Consider that which I am guardian of: Love, Intuition, and the Chalice of Life. Now give thought to the things you hold sacred, and how you go about protecting these treasured gifts.

- Symbolism of Mermaids
- Symbolic Meaning of Angels in the Tarot
- Meaning of Oceans and Water
- Lobster Symbolism
- Overview and Chart of All Tarot Suit Meanings
- Meaning of Cups
- Meaning of Court Cards
- Meaning of Queens in Tarot