Page of Swords Meaning

Page Of Swords Meaning

About Page of Swords
Meaning in Tarot

If you are wondering what the page of swords is saying in your readings, this might be just the article for you. I wrote this as if the sharp-witted page is speaking directly to you…in his own words. So as you are reading, imagine the page talking right to you like a close friend..sharing personality traits and meanings with you over a cup of tea (or coffee, or whatever!).

Some keywords for the Page of Swords

  • Flow
  • Clear
  • Genius
  • Clarity
  • Growth
  • Ecology
  • Pensive
  • Cyclical
  • Alacrity
  • Insightful
  • Dreaming
  • Technology
  • Biodiversity
  • Discernment
  • Improvement

The Page of Swords – His Story In His Own Words…

“I am the Page of Swords and this is my story.

It’s not easy growing up in the kingdom of Swords, and I deal with the conflict by escaping into the fantasies of my own mind.

My parents tell me I am distracted and day-dreamy, that if I only applied myself I could accomplish so much more.

What they don’t realize is that in my daydreams I am re-building the entire universe. In my mind, there are fantastic skyscrapers, communities of utopia, and amazing accomplishments in technology.

Page Of Swords Meaning
Page Of Swords Meaning

My mind is not as “in the sky” as everybody thinks it is. On the contrary, like the other pages in the cards, my station is affiliated with the earth, so I can be very grounded when I have to be (usually when I am working, and when I need to meet a time limit).

As the Page of Swords, this gives me a great knack at discernment. I know the difference between fantasy and reality. Consequently, I have magnificent clarity. This aspect of me is often overlooked by others, which is a big mistake. I should be called upon when the natural flow and order of things needs to be identified in any project.

Because of my association with the earth, along with my sword affiliation with the air, I have a unique understanding of the cyclical nature of things. I am keen on concepts of rebirth, renewal and expansion by organic, naturally evolutionary modes.

In spite of the common perception that the Page of Swords is mostly wistful, my personality type tends to mature into an extremely effective innovator.

With age, I carry a meaningful message of regeneration. Meaning, I contribute greatly to fields of technology, renewable energy, and other cutting-edge ecological fields. I’m particularly intrigued by biology because it combines nature with science.

I am usually tall and gangly, and much to my chagrin I seem to get hung up in puberty for an interminable amount of time. You’ll know this by the apparent awkwardness in my own skin and an unfortunate tendency for acne. My hair color ranges from blonde to reddish-brown, and my eyes are blue as the skies I am always peering into.

When I pay you a visit in the cards, I am going to ask you to remember how you felt when you were my age. I present a mixture of nervous energy joined with calm assurance that everything will roll my way. I am the dreamer who can apply those dreams with uncanny alacrity and clear-minded intelligence.

Yours truly,

The Page of Swords.”

A Few Symbol Meaning in the Page of Swords Card

Bird Meaning in Tarot

Birds or Feathers: The symbol meanings of birds deal with higher thoughts and matters of the spirit. They are creatures of the air, so they symbolize higher ideals. They also represent freedom and ascension. When the bird symbol pops out at us during a reading it is a message that we are rising to a higher level, that we need to free ourselves from bondage and we must make our hearts light. Get more about bird symbolism here.

King Of Swords Meaning Clouds

Clouds: Clouds hold the symbol meaning of revelation. Consider out of the mists of our deepest thoughts suddenly an epiphany comes, a bright idea comes out from nowhere – this is the basic cloud symbol meaning. Depending on the card, clouds can also symbolize confusion or clouded judgment. Primarily, clouds represent higher thought and messages from the divine. Get more about cloud meanings here.

symbolic garden and field meaning in Tarot

Earth: On some level, all threads of life are first woven with the fiber of Earth. This interconnectedness reminds us not only is the earth a stabilizing and a wholly physical symbol, but it also represents a network. Earth is synonymous with belonging, and as the Queen of Pentacles suggests, we all feel accepted; as if we belong in her presence. Earth represents community and shared wisdom. Earth also embodies the concept of solid ground. We’ve released the limitations of the “small mind” and returned to the foundation of our true nature. Get more earth symbolism here.

Some Questions the Page of Swords asks us:

  • Renewable, Rebirthing, Regeneration. What do these words mean to you?
    I provide a message that helps you re-consider your mentality on personal growth, as well as ecology and technological advancement.
  • Are you underestimating the power of fantasy?
    Take my lead, and work with fantasy. Discernment and intellect can fuel your daydreams.
  • Are you in the flow?
    Being in the flow requires a childlike trust and an ability to temper logic with imagination. This is my primary message for you.
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