Number Meaning of Tarot Cards
It’s easy to occasionally overlook the number meaning of tarot cards in readings or general contemplation. The Tarot is packed with symbolism, and its numbers are sometimes taken for granted as a simple cataloging device when actually they open up a whole new realm of mysticism and methodology.
To further understand the energy of the Tarot, we must take into account all of its aspects, including its numerological perspectives.
Numbers exude vibrations that resonate with all energy and strike individual chords upon the harp strings of the Universe. By observing the numbers that fall in a Tarot spread, we can pluck those vibrational strings, and “ring out” further truth from a reading.
At its simplest, the number meaning of Tarot cards can provide additional light to a tricky spread. These number meanings may also lend a different point of view when seeking solutions with the cards.
At its most complex, number meaning of Tarot cards can blossom into overwhelming oracles of symmetry, geometry, and startling congruency that provides us with fascinating accuracy in our readings.
As you are working with the Tarot, begin to hone in on the numbers that are being drawn to you. Use the number meaning reference below to assist you in extracting deeper interpretations in your Tarot readings.
Want the number order of the Major Arcanas? Click here for a number chart.

Keep in mind, the system of Tarot numerology (or any numerology for that matter) reduces numbers. To illustrate, if you’ve drawn the Temperance card (14 of the major arcana), you will reduce the number to 5 because
1 + 4 = 5.
Some practitioners of Tarot numerology chose not to reduce the numbers at all. Rather, they use the second digit as the numerical signifier. For example, the Temperance card (14) is numerically identified with the number 4.
Whether you choose to reduce the double digits, or select the second digit as the numerical signifier, you will see amazing revelations and augmentations in your readings.
With your awareness of number meanings, you may find that numbers are a paradox because you’ll see they allow for elasticity in your readings while offering a grounding effect simultaneously.
Have fun with using this additional aspect of Tarot knowledge, and enjoy the number meaning references below.
Number Meaning in Tarot

Zero: Beginning and Ending, Alpha and Omega, Limitless, Infinite, Unity, Pure Potential.

One: Independence, Action, Motivation, Singleness of Purpose, Driven, Positivity, Will.

Two: Balance, Contrast, Opposites, Partnership, Communication, Negotiation, Choice.

Three: Time, Creativity, Versatility, Mystery, Intuition, Fecundity, Advancement.

Four: Stability, Endurance, Practicality, Physicality, Achievement, Humility, Simplicity.

Five: Motion, Erratic, Adventure, Passion, Expansion, Travel, Unpredictability.

Six: Sincerity, Unfoldment, Protection, Sensitivity, Dependability, Growth, Nurturing.

Seven: Perfection, Imagination, Awareness, Mysticism, Understanding, Healing.

Eight: Opportunity, Observation, Intention, Abundance, Repetition, Infinity.

Nine: Vision, Invention, Influence, Intellectual Power, Attainment, Anticipation.
Click here for a Major Arcana Number Quick-Reference Chart
As you continue to focus on this aspect of the Tarot, I’m sure you will inevitably find the number meaning of Tarot cards provides uncanny insight and heightened awareness to your readings.
Other related links on this site:
Portal Page for other Aspects of the Tarot

- Other Tarot Symbol Meanings
- Symbolic Meaning of Numbers
- Number Meanings for Creativity
- Dream Meaning of Numbers