A Question about New to Tarot – What to Do?
I have only just begun learning Tarot a few months ago. I am using them to read only for myself in hopes of gaining insight or a better understanding about myself. It has been amazing how accurate the cards are, provided that I am reading them right.
Although I feel that I understand the basic meaning of each card, I feel that I am not connecting with them on a more intuitive level and getting the full story from them. I do not know if anyone can relate to what I am about to say but there was just this one time as I laid a spread out that a flash of, not sure how to describe this without sounding crazy, it was like the meaning or description of that card flashed into my mind in a way that did not feel as though it was my thought or coming from me. Whatever it was I liked it. The meaning felt right on. It was like I was open to the card and it spoke its truth to me. Not literally of course. I wish I could somehow connect that way again. But I do not have a clue how. I do not even know exactly what happened that one time.
In all of my searching and studying online to learn how to read these cards, this site is my favorite and has been the most helpful. I hope to learn more by being involved in the exchanging of ideas on this site. Thanks for having this feature added. And I look forward to meeting and talking with everyone (virtually, that is, lol).
Dawn from Dallas, TX
Avia’s Response to the Question:
“New to Tarot”
Howdy Dawn!
I grew up in Texas, and it’s nice to see another Native chiming in. 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with the Tarot.
You don’t sound crazy at all!
I suspect that moment of insight and clarity came from connection on a soul-level. When we can suspend the ego or analytical mind, we can tap into the essence of Unity. That connection leads to profound awareness and illumination. That’s why Tarot is such a marvelously effective tool to self-evolution. The energy and imagery of the system lends itself to free-associative contemplation (suspending the critical mind). That kind of creative meandering forms a unique portal for specialized awareness. I think that moment you experienced was just such a portal. Thanks again for sharing!

Comments on “New to Tarot” Question
From: Circe David
Ok it’s late but it will be helpful for future people:
I TOO FEEL THIS FLASH THAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! When I interpret the card I “know” if I’m reading it properly or not. I’ve observed that many times has to do with relating all the cards in a meaningful story. If the story sounds strange or it is simply like that card shouldn’t be there, it’s because I am not reading it properly. The flash of “ok you are reading me correctly” comes when everything is logically related. Even the card that shouldn’t be there has its place in the reading where, even noticing it shines differently and distinctively from all other cards, it suits within the story I’m telling (without losing it’s surprising “nature” or losing it because you got it in place and it’s not shining anymore).
In my case I begun to study tarot when I was 12 years old (1990 more or less). For my first years I only used the basic meaning, trying to apply as much common sense as I could (above all advices you may get, there is one that rules above all of them: PLEASE USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!!! LOADS OF COMMON SENSE). That did the work. After yeeearrrs,in 2000 I learned tarot again in another witchcraft school and then I really begun to “free” myself and to follow my instinct and my nose consciously in 2002, when I felt free to explore meanings by myself, apart from what I learned.
I know all of you would like to see the card and know exactly what to say and like we say in Spanish “Diana!!” (a direct shot). However, sometimes it doesn’t work that way…but you can always train it!! You just need to be able to follow the whole process with all its steps (you will notice which steps are for yourself), not wanting to “be there” while you “are still here”. This is not instant soup, friends!!!
Thanks for listening, and I wish Dawn the best of luck,
David (Australia)
From: Athame Twilight
I have just been learning tarot. I am currently enrolled in the NYC Tarot School. I was asked to read a three card reading in NYC. I just love the craft. I don’t know what I would do without this website. I used it to study to. Learn and inspire myself. Hopefully I will be able to do tarot full time and use it as my lively hood.
Athame Twilight
From: Avia Venefica
Loving all the camaraderie from everybody. Being new to ANYTHING (much less Tarot) can be baffling and overwhelming. It’s nice to know we all start at bare beginnings. Step one of any task can be daunting. But none of us knows a skill or how to perform a task in its fullness from day-one.
Hat’s off to Dawn, David and Athame for taking up the torch and launching off into that step one. Being new to Tarot happens to everybody who picks up a deck for the first time. I’m truly supportive to you and everyone else who is willing to learn and keeps their will to continue their Tarot education.
Mighty brightly,

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