Symbol Meanings in Tarot A-C

Symbol Meanings of Tarot A-C Welcome to the first of a four-page series on the symbol meanings of the Tarot. In-site links are included after each symbol description. These links take you to the Tarot […]
by Avia ©
Symbol Meanings of Tarot A-C Welcome to the first of a four-page series on the symbol meanings of the Tarot. In-site links are included after each symbol description. These links take you to the Tarot […]
Symbol Meanings of Tarot D-K Welcome to the continuation of symbol meanings for the Tarot. Here you will find Tarot symbols beginning with the letters D – K. Important Note: The symbols selected for the creation […]
Exploring Symbols of the Tarot…I dig symbolism. I’ve devoted most of my life to seeking and understanding the deeper meaning in all things. I spend most of my time writing all about symbolic meanings on […]
Tarot Numbers: Meaning of Three The meaning of Three is about the union of two parts to create a unique whole. That point of union forms the fruit of knowledge -it is our access point […]
Devil Tarot Card Meanings The image of the Baphoment is a shock to many. In a primarily suppressed society, topics relating to the devil are not openly discussed and illicit intense discomfort. However, if we […]
Intro to Tarot Layouts and Tarot Spreads This is a portal page for various Tarot layouts and Tarot spreads. I’ve provided a links to various spreads in a list below. Each will take you to […]
Children in Tarot Symbolic Meanings Children in Tarot are symbolic and ultimate knowers of truth because they are closest to the Source. Life experience hasn’t beat the freshness of higher spiritual knowing out of them (yet, […]
Psychic Abilities and the Tarot “Dear Avia Venefica, your readings and interpretations are awesome. My psychic abilities are getting stronger, and I want to help others learn about their psychic powers too. I use the […]
About Knight of SwordsMeaning in Tarot If the knight of swords was standing in front of you, what would he say? Here are a few ideas. This article gives you a first-person account of what […]